Thursday, November 20, 2014

Birthday Day!!!

On Ashlynn's actual day of birth she went out on a date day with mommy. We went out to eat at Megan's restaurant. It was hilarious as Ashlynn has never really been out to eat since she was a little baby. She had a blast touching everything and just staring out the window. She had a huge sundae for dessert. But the best part of the whole thing for her was having Megan wait on us. She had huge smiles..After lunch we went to Toys r us to but a couple toys with her birthday money. Of course she picked out Littlest Pet Shoppe and a marble run..(which we love)

 reading the menu
 the moment she saw Megan

Birthday Party Snowman

Lily, Lois and Sophia stayed a little after the party and played outside with my girls. They rolled and rolled and rolled snow around until pretty much the yard was empty.

The Frozen Party

The best part about Ashlynn's Birthday was the one inch of snow we received over night. I had so much fun planning and decorating for this party. I chose to do a simple cake with fun free decorations. Ashy had a blast eating and opening fantastic presents. All of the girls even made it outside to make their very own Olaf snowman.

 who needs a fork?