Saturday, March 23, 2013

built in bookcases

It seems my whole life I have had a love affair with books and bookcases. My best friends were found in books always loyal and ready for incredible adventures. I love to get lost in a library and bury myself in the pages. So it is no surprise that my dream home would have many bookcases filled with many books. The process has started as my brand new living room has two beautiful built in bookcases built around a mantle that came from a home in Virginia. Another thing I love is old furniture and wood that have stories of their own. Secrets and memories buried within the grain. So when designing all of the things i wanted to grace my home with I went in search of old items. This bookcase was built with an old barn door, reused pine, oak and any other misc wood I could find. Of course we did have to purchase some large pieces in between but love that it has that old character! It is not complete and decorated yet but will post a pictures when it is..

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