Sunday, September 7, 2014

My 6 year old babydoll

Where do I begin to describe this strong-willed, highly passionate, loving little girl. The past year has been such a learning and healing process for both of us. I finally am beginning to understand her personality and heart. She is always the first person to tell you, you are beautiful, she notices everything and is filled with compliments. She snuggles me all of the time and I love the relationship that we have. She tells me even when she is as big as I am she will still snuggle me. This past year I have discovered that she loves to play games. We play a lot of uno, skip-bo, ten up,tons of puzzles and her favorite is the matching game. Sometimes we play Sequence, Chutes and Ladders and Candyland. It is super special to me as I love to play games also but it gives me a lot of special one on one time with her. We have been reading a science magnazine she loves called In Your Backyard. (every night) As summer comes to end and fall begins I am excited to continue schooling and the fact that this year Cahill will be starting gymnastics and piano lessons. Piano lessons have been a dream of mine for a long time.

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