Friday, February 1, 2013


I am super excited to say that Cahill and I have made it through half of our kindergarden curriculum. What a amazing answer to prayer this year has been. I knew in my heart that the Lord was calling me to school my babies but had no idea how I would carry this out. But true to his word if he calls you to do something he will provide the mentors, the education and research and the energy and strength to accomplish it. I trusted him on this decision and boy has he provided in amazing ways. I have grown closer to Cahill and enjoyed learning right along side her. In this next unit we learned all about the creepy crawlies and read some fantastic books that both girls enjoyed a little too much. Ashy joined us in a little finger painting lady bug making. We made our very own bee hive learning about hexagons and overlayed it with wax paper. We are finishing up the Goat unit and learning about how Jesus died for our sins out of great love. This tied in great with our AWANA about loving our neighbors and our weekly bible verse. We go onto a bunch of farm animals and processes. Keep us in your prayers as we continue our first year of education.

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